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Институт Перспективи / Institute Perspectives

Association “Institute Perspectives” is one of the fastest developing NGOs in Bulgaria, working mainly on the development and implementation of youth potential. The founders of “Institute Perspectives” originally established a student philosophy club in 2012, headquartered in at University of Veliko Tarnovo.


After that, four new student clubs have been created in Varna, Ruse, Plovdiv and Sofia. As a result of many activities organized by the above mentioned student clubs, their founders have decided to establish a non-profit organization to facilitate broader-scale and various initiatives, which would help the youth to develop their potential in Bulgaria and in the European Union.


In August 2015, they established Association “Institute Perspectives” as a completely legal non-governmental public-profit organization with economic activity rights. Since then, “Institute Perspectives” has organized many activities at local, national and international levels, involving Bulgarians and international students from different countries, namely Italy, France, Germany, Great Britain, Poland, Lithuania, Finland and Turkey. Since the foundation of our association, members of ours have taken part in over than 30 Erasmus+ KA1 exchange programs. After each exchange program participants organize an event in which they communicate to other members the experience they have gained. Projects in the sphere of European integration, European citizenship and European values are our main interest and work, with or without financing – so that the European family can become more and more united. Our NGO was founded as non-formal youth group and have organized many initiatives and projects dedicated to non-formal education. Non-formal learning happens in activities which are designed but not necessarily for the purpose of learning. It’s really important for our young members to gain experience in hosting non-formal education events because this topic is not well-known in our region. That’s why we strive to train our representatives first in order to share their experience with other peers from our region.


Main areas in which we implemented initiatives were:

-Development of non-formal learning methods;

-Reinforcement of the principles of youth work;

-Promotion of social entrepreneurship;

-Activation of young people from vulnerable groups living in small settlements in Bulgaria and Europe;

-Expansion of the organization on an international level.


The activities performed by "Perspectives Institute" help to implement:

-Art. 165 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union;

-Art. 24 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (2012 / C 326/02);

-Art. 57 and Art. 59 of the Revised European Charter on the Participation of Young People in the Life of Municipalities and Regions;

-Art. 2 of the Youth Act of the Republic of Bulgaria. Through its implemented initiatives, the Association contributes to the realization of the objectives of national and European youth and education policies set out in:

-The EU Youth Strategy 2010-2018;

-The EU 2020 Strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth;

-National Youth Strategy 2012-2020;

-The National Lifelong Learning Strategy 2014-2020;

-The Strategy for Educational Integration of Children and Students from Ethnic Minorities 2015-2020.

The leaders, experts, youth workers, members and volunteers of Institute Perspectives accept responsibly the voted trust of the participants in their events and are also aware of the seriousness of their actions in relation to the public and personal development of the Bulgarian youth and will do their best to help them and to stand for them. The organization's team has always respected and upheld the universal values of our society and will continue to work in this direction by increasing the number of active citizens.

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